How to Lucid Dream Tonight and Experience Breathtaking Adventures [Video]

Many people I talk to say they want to learn how to lucid dream tonight.

Or they want to lucid dream instantly.

[toc]Or they want to lucid dream RIGHT NOW IN THIS MOMENT!

While I completely understand the desire and appreciate the excitement, this excitement can sometimes lead one astray when journeying on the lucid dreaming path.


Because you get…

The Initial Burst of Energy

What normally happens is a person reads about lucid dreams, hears about it from a friend, or sees a movie like “Inception,” and gets an initial burst of excitement that causes them to want to learn to lucid dream TONIGHT. They use that initial burst of energy to catapult them into researching techniques on how to lucid dream, or maybe even buying a book or a course like Lucid Dreaming Mastery that we offer here at Lucid Academy.

The Crippling Internal Expectation

Often this person has set an internal expectation that they will put in a certain amount of effort, and if they get the results they want, they will continue. If they don’t, then they give up lucid dreaming completely.

The Holy Grail of Sustained Enthusiasm

The problem with this is that sustained enthusiasm is the best way to success with lucid dreaming. The kind of enthusiasm that has you excited to go to bed every night, and does not leave you frustrated in the morning if you do not achieve a lucid dream.

Lucid Dreaming Mastery

Now if they are lucky enough to purchase a course like Lucid Dreaming Mastery, then they are well taken care of, and are very likely to succeed in their quest. But if they just go online, read about a bunch of techniques, and try to figure it out all on their own, it will be a harder journey.

Should I Switch Techniques?

The tendency comes to constantly switch techniques or add something new into the mix in the hope that it will help lucid dream tonight. This brings problems because when one constantly switches techniques it is like digging for oil with 15 small holes instead of 1 deep hole that will strike the well.

How to Lucid Dream Tonight

Lucid Mastery Shortcut

Now if you are one of those people who do want to learn how to lucid dream tonight, then there are certain techniques you can use that give you a chance at doing that. But it is certainly not a guarantee.

There are great combinations of proven techniques that can drastically speed up your results and give you a taste of the incredible power of lucid dreaming.

These techniques are displayed in detail in our special course: Lucid Mastery Shortcut. But to get access to this special course you must first purchase the main Lucid Dreaming Mastery course. Enter your email into the form on the right or at the bottom of this post for more information.

Building a Solid Foundation…Be Like Rock

This is because I want you to build a solid foundation in lucid dreaming. I’d love for every one of you to learn how to lucid dream tonight, but I want even more for every one of you to master lucid dreaming and be able to lucid dream for the rest of your life.

Your Sensational Lucid Adventures

I would love you to be able to soar like a bird through the sky any night you wish. To receive secret teachings, to fulfill your deepest fantasies, to go on wild adventures, and even to improve your real-world skills.

While learning how to lucid dream tonight will give you a taste of these experiences, mastering lucid dreaming will give you these experiences on tap.

Channel Your Energy Into Your Foundation

So if you feel like you want to learn how to lucid dream tonight, or lucid dream instantly, then take that energy and channel it into an intention to remember your dreams.

Buy a dream journal and start writing down your dreams every morning to boost your dream recall. That’s the first step in building your foundation.

Oh and if you are really serious about learning to lucid dream, make sure to sign up for our email list so you can qualify for our video course that teaches you to lucid dream….the right way.

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